A place with tools to help you connect with your Spirit Nature and find your Inner Calm.
I am Betsy Mills – Grandmother, energy practitioner, creative and teacher.
Are you seeking your calm place within?
Together we will create a safe and sacred space for you and go deeper for healing.
In this space I provide you with tools to help and support you on your journey.
Find your ‘Calm Place’ and good things will follow.

Balance, harmony and you
I draw upon Shamanic practices such as ritual, drumming meditations and journeys to expand your awareness – of yourself and your connection with Earth and Cosmic energies. These practices create balance and harmony and bring peace and calm for your spirit. These practices have been used for centuries to feel your true self; your spirit within.
Ways to work with your calm creative spirit
I love to have fun and play with drumming, flute and creative art experiences. In tune with my desire to connect with Mother Earth and the elements, learning about plant beings and how they can be used to create woven objects has become a passion of mine that I love to share with others. I share in group circles, workshops and informal gatherings.
Finding my calm space
Drumming, playing my flutes and creating connects me with my spirit and my soul – raising my vibration and synchronising me; my energy, with the vibration of the earth around me… the earth, the plants and animals and all that is. I can feel my energy rising and vibrating at a higher frequency even as I type this for you.
Gentle, fun, calm
I’ve discovered that being in this space allows creativity to birth itself and be expressed as you get to know yourself well.
Join me.
The Building Blocks of Self Care:
What everybody needs to know
Your inner calm space within is there, but how do you find it?
The Building Blocks of Self Care helps you understand how stress and anxiety impact your body and how your habits created this.
The easy to follow tools in the book provide simple practices so you can learn to let go and relax. Written by Betsy Mills, this book provides an easy to read guide to enable you to switch off, relax and go within.
Circles - learning and creating together

What will your experience bring?
Whether it is a drum journey, meditation or a weaving of conversation, your experience will bring:
# a greater sense of inner calm into your everyday living.
# reduced feelings of stress and anxiety.
# you will be able to journey within and become more connected and aware of your inner Self.
# you will be ‘Heart connected’ and make choices and decisions from your heart.
# you will become conscious of how your body responds to events during the day; physical and emotional and recognise how tense or relaxed it is.
# your talkative ‘monkey brain’ quietens, your mind will have the peace it needs to allow creative ideas to manifest.
Betsy’s work is founded on being compassionate and supportive; empowering you with new skills, transforming old stories and energies into light, gaining positive insights and many other treasures that will transform your life to what you want it to be.
About Betsy
Upon reflection, my life in my youthful years was one where change was a constant, challenging me to be determined, persistent and courageous; picking myself up when I fell down; asking for help when I needed it; trying again when I failed; speaking up when I saw injustice…. And although I had a loving family, there were times when I felt alone, frightened, unsafe and unsupported.
If you sew or do woodwork, I’m sure you know the experience of annoyance, disappointment, anxiety when a ‘mistake’ is made and your creation is not coming together. It takes patience and persistence to take it back; to unpick, and redo that part in a way that works … and voila! You have made something special.
What if you had someone beside you supporting you to know that you will succeed; that you are capable; that it is safe to be in a place that is challenging?
Everyone benefits from having someone supporting them through changes and challenges, and this is what I love to do. It is a powerful way of allowing you to discover for yourself; to experiment and to achieve in your own time and way in a way that even though you are challenged you feel safe and supported.
I am a mother and grandmother, and while I have studied and worked as a teacher, a clinical counsellor and shamanic practitioner, in my later years I have fallen into a wonderful place where I am creating from my heart through weaving, painting, drumming and flute playing and other creative pursuits.
It is my desire to hold that safe space for you so that you can find that calm, connected place within you, and share with you the healing vibration of my drum and flute, and a lifetime of skills and experience.
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