Testimonial for Building blocks for self-care book

Betsy Mills shines through her simple but effective self-care booklet. It provides a painless way of dealing with the life challenges that crowd out what we all need to do; take care of ourselves. Using Betsy’s simple self-charting methods, we can make changes that lead to better ways of living.

Thank you, Betsy.

Wynn Te Kani

Betsy’s book is do-able, applicable, practical and wise❤ most self help books are not nearly as immediately useful? try her balloon breath and centre yourself again.  Molly Brumm

A great book about self care. All you need to know! I love it! Stefanie Roth

Testimonial for Connect and Create series of workshops with co-facilitated with Nelly Juillet

I just want to let you know how much I loved the workshop on Sunday 11 February. It really had a powerful effect on me – especially later that day. After witnessing the mothering of the powerful owl in my journey, and then painting her warm feathers fluffing with air, I really felt physically free of something that had been restricting my breath. I found that I was heaving in great lungfuls of air instead of holding my breath back with my tongue (a frustrating habit I have!) I felt I didn’t know what to do with all that breath I had.

Wendy Robertson